
Companies that produce consumer goods are increasingly adopting new models of strategic collaboration with their suppliers and partners.

For this reason Scandolara has adopted for an integrated supply chain: most of the injected moulded components, like the caps, are produced in-house, in order to guarantee the maximum efficiency and flexibility.

Scandolara develops, plans and produces also customized components in cooperation with the customer.

Likewise in Scandolara the pre-press professionals are able to transform the artwork in a finished product, according to different printing technologies that can be used to customize the tubes.

The pre-print laboratory is equipped with advanced digital systems, that guarantee high level quality standards, versatility and efficiency, in order to guarantee an ample freedom of creativity of the customer and an incredible range of marketing opportunities.

In Scandolara all the clichés are produced internally to guarantee the integrity of the digital support and the flexibility according to the production plan.